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София Драфтинг ООД

София Драфтинг ООД

  • Адрес: София; бул. Васил Левски 39-А, ет. 2
  • Уебсайт: www.sofia-drafting.eu

We are an Austrian company (Gerstenmayer GmbH) with branch offices in Sofia and Plovdiv under the name “sofia drafting ltd. Currently 21 people are working in Austria and 28 in Bulgaria. Additionally, we have 23 contracted partners situated on 2 continents.

We, together with our partners, are leading in terms of drawing migrations for process industries, because we are specialised in supporting the customers of our long-term partner HEXAGON PPM (former Intergraph) and their database drafting-tools by migrating Pipe & ID – drawings and developing extended usability software. We facilitate the drafting process with our own developed software tools, for which we need ongoing maintenance and update development. Furthermore, we are doing contracted software development for our Partners in the field of database tools for process industries.
